Juliette Sakasegawa from Your Empowered Life coaching.jpeg

Hello! I’m so glad you are here!

I’m Juliette, it’s nice to meet you!

I am an Empowerment Coach for Life & Business and I am passionate about helping busy people discover their next step so they can create a fulfilling and empowered life that they love. 

I believe that we can all live according to our purpose, passions, and priorities when we embrace self-worth, self-care, and healthy boundaries.

I work with my clients individually and in groups helping them to create a crystal clear vision of what they desire, encouraging them to discover the things that might be holding them back, and supporting them to achieve their goals and dreams.

I believe that learning to truly love yourself and embracing your own self-worth is the key to creating your own joyful, fulfilling and empowered life!

As a busy mom of 3 and entrepreneur, I understand the struggle many of us have with balance and living life according to our purpose, passions, and priorities. I know that living daily life can sometimes be exhausting and overwhelming. You might be looking at your life and thinking everything appears great but it doesn't always FEEL great. You might be wondering what's missing or wondering why you feel like you’ve lost control. Perhaps you feel like you’re ready for something new but you’re wondering what that is. Believe me, I understand! I've been there too.

I'd love to talk with you. I want to hear your story. I want to support you on your journey of creating the empowered life you want to live.
