Juliette is a spectacular coach with the credentials, life experience, and ability to provide a true and sacred space. Juliette listens with compassion and insight which allows me to truly dive deep into becoming a better wife, mother, entrepreneur and person overall. Because of Juliette’s coaching abilities, my life balance is more on point, my business is thriving and my relationships are truly meaningful. Anything is possible with the incredible support that Juliette provides! I highly recommend Juliette as your Life Coach!
— Julia Kay
Juliette is amazing! I’ve made the decision to invest in myself and realized that opportunities for growth and success are endless. It’s great to work with someone who is a trained professional to keep me accountable but also inspires me to believe in myself because she genuinely believes in me. If you’ve been wanting change/growth and not sure how to go about it, she is a wonderful person to help you navigate the journey.
— Maria Mejia
Originally I struggled with the idea of spending money on time with Juliette for my own purposes. Having heard that we need to care for ourselves primarily to become the best carer thereafter. But I was frightened to justify the value. I subsequently won time with Juliette and during the journey I was able to get clear so quickly it almost made my head spin.

I quickly put money down for her time.

With her purposeful questions and my genuine answers we were able to create a clear focus and inspired action steps that I was excited to implement and ready to take.

The value has been immeasurable and I’ve been able to use methods I’ve learned from her to help overcome challenges even after our sessions have ended.

I’m about to start a new job with parameters that suit me perfectly. My friends can’t believe what a lucky girl I am.

It’s with Juliette that I really started to bravely create my own desires, intentions, and wants.

It’s great to chase your dreams but if you’re still at the start line looking for some dream goal posts, I highly recommend time with Juliette. With her help, you will become the more amazing version of yourself.
— Cassie Joughin
I am so grateful to have met Juliette and gotten to be a part of her Facebook groups and coaching!

She is very kind and what I like best are the questions she asks that help me to dig deeper and stop and think things through. In her groups I feel a lot of acceptance, like I can be who I truly am, and feel safe, and that helps me to be more open to share and grow. I love that it’s okay to be where we each are, and also, that we are lovingly encouraged to see ways that we might try in order to have our lives better.

I am learning that it’s okay to be me, and to have my own boundaries and needs and that taking care of myself is a good thing!

Juliette is a very supportive and genuinely caring life coach, who bends over backwards to help her ladies feel accepted and encouraged and supported, and she is always seeking out new ways to help her clients.
— Debbie Aguilar
Juliette has an amazing way of supporting women and meeting them where they are at. Juliette makes self-care something that any woman can do, regardless of their personal situation. Rather than lecture, Juliette supports both individuals and groups of women with honesty, compassion, and grace. Not only have I learned real, practical skills from Juliette, she has also become a caring friend who I can trust to help me with issues. She has opened my eyes to small things I can do that can make a big difference in my day-to-day life. From drinking more water, to getting enough sleep, making the best use of my time, and incorporating meditation into my life - all of the support I’ve received from Juliette has really helped me to grow as a person. I can’t thank Juliette enough for what she has done for me.

— Diane Abella
Juliette has been integral in helping me stretch my comfort zone, set and work towards new goals in my personal development. Her gentle but effective coaching has helped me grow and I enjoy working with Juliette. Juliette is a great coach! She is constantly working to provide new content and find creative ways to meet her group’s needs. Juliette makes it feel good to work on yourself!
— Suzy C.
I love how honest and kind Juliette is! She listens and give suggestions that can be implemented. I love how she actively listens and make sure she understands before providing suggestions. Working with Juliette and participating in her group is such a safe and caring space, it helps keep me going even when life and business is tough.
— Dana Andalora

Schedule a complimentary call with me today to get started on your own journey!