Life is too short to be at war with your body and food. It’s time for peace!

Are you tired of being unhappy with your body and constantly wanting to change it or lose weight? Are you sick and tired of diets and restrictive eating? Are you ready to finally heal your relationship with food and make peace with your body?

I would love to join you on your journey and help you free yourself from diets, learn how to nurture yourself, and finally live your life with joy and peace around food and exercise.


What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is an evidence based self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought. It was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. 

The practice of Intuitive Eating helps us learn to get in touch with our physical feelings of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction, so we can learn what, when, and how to eat so that we can truly nourish our bodies and ourselves. 

Juliette Sakasegawa from Your Empowered Life.jpeg

Through our work together you will learn to:

  • Trust your body to make food choices that are right for you. 

  • Reject diet culture and diet mentality forever.

  • Find satisfaction in your food choices.

  • Exercise kindness toward your feelings, your body, and yourself.

  • Respect your body and make peace with food.

 Ready to begin your Intuitive Eating journey?