Featured Articles from Juliette

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The We Spot

Juliette is a featured guest blogger at the We Spot, the go-to spot for learning, growth, encouragement, inspiration, authenticity, and connection for women rising up.

She’s also been a guest on The We Spot Podcast.


What’s the deal with intuitive eating? (replay!) A conversation with Dr. Nina and Juliette Sakasegawa about intuitive eating.

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Blue Mountain Mindfulness

Juliette shares the importance to recognize early warning signals to pay more attention to yourself, and why self-care is not only extremely important for women, but men alike, with Julia Arndt from Blue Mountain Mindfulness.


SD Voyager

Juliette shares her story and background from being burnt out as a mom working out the home through a journey of self-discovery which lead to starting her own business and support group for other women.